Msika wogulitsa, kusinthanitsa kwa malonda lero
Mndandanda wamagulu a makampani 71229 mu nthawi yeniyeni.
Msika wogulitsa, kusinthanitsa kwa malonda lero

Zotsatira zamagulu

Mavesi a pa Intaneti

Mbiri yotsatsa zamagulu

Msika wamsika wogulitsa

Zogulitsa Zamagulu

Phindu kuchokera kumagulu a kampani

Malipoti a zachuma

Kuwerengera magawo a makampani. Kumene mungayendetse ndalama?

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation kapu yamsika

Mtengo wa malonda a The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation lero ndi mbiri ya ndalama zambiri za The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation kuyambira pachiyambi cha malonda mu magawo a BONY34.SA pa malonda.
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The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ndalama zazikulu

Lero msika wamsika wa The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ndi 163 563 814 912 Brazil weniweni.
-2 193 784 832 R$ (-1.32%)
kusintha kwa ndalama kuyambira dzulo

Kusintha pamsika wamsika wa The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation tsamba lathu la webusayiti limagwira kamodzi patsiku. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ndi chidziwitso chotseguka. Zambiri zakatundu wa The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ndizongotchulidwira. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation capitalization = 163 563 814 912 madola aku US.

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation kuchuluka kwa malonda

Masiku ano gawo la malonda The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation limakhala 788 Brazil weniweni.
-488 R$ (-38.24%)
kusintha kwa malonda a malonda kuyambira dzulo

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation imagulitsidwa pamisika yosiyanasiyana yosinthanitsa. Tchati chatsiku ndi tsiku cha The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation chili patsamba lathu. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation malonda ogulitsa masheya ambiri munthawi yeniyeni, timawonetsa kuchuluka kwatsiku ndi tsiku kwa The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation capitalization idagwa ndi $ -2 193 784 832.


The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation chithunzi chachitsulo cha msika

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation tchati cha msika pazaka. 0% pamwezi - kusintha pamsika wamsika wa The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. Pazaka zambiri, The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation yasintha ndi 0%. Lero, The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ndi ofanana ndi 163 563 814 912 US dollars.

Sabata Mwezi miyezi 3 Chaka Zaka 3

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation mbiri yakale

Date Kulipira ndalama
Ndalama zamtengo wapatali (malonda a msika) ndi mtengo wamsika wa magawo onse a makampani ogulitsa malonda. Ndalama zamsika zimakhala zofanana ndi mtengo wa magawo owonjezeka ndi chiwerengero cha magawo omwe apambana.
03/05/2023 163 563 814 912 R$
02/05/2023 165 757 599 744 R$
28/04/2023 167 872 479 232 R$
27/04/2023 168 535 359 488 R$
26/04/2023 168 535 359 488 R$
25/04/2023 169 758 507 008 R$
24/04/2023 175 880 159 232 R$

Chitsulo cha voti The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation

Sabata Mwezi miyezi 3 Chaka Zaka 3

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation deta yakale ya mbiri yakale

Date Volume (24h)
Mndandanda wa malonda a The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation magawo ndi chiwerengero chazogulitsa zonse ndi magawo a BONY34.SA ogula ndi kugulitsidwa pa tsiku losankhidwa.
03/05/2023 788 R$
02/05/2023 1 276 R$
28/04/2023 728 R$
27/04/2023 67 R$
26/04/2023 0 R$
25/04/2023 186 R$
24/04/2023 33 R$

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation capitalization ku 03/05/2023 idakwana 163 563 814 912 US dollars. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation capitalization ku 02/05/2023 idakwana 165 757 599 744 US dollars. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation capitalization ku 28/04/2023 idakwana 167 872 479 232 US dollars. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ndiyofanana 168 535 359 488 madola aku US ku 27/04/2023.

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation capitalization ku 26/04/2023 idakwana 168 535 359 488 US dollars. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ndiyofanana 169 758 507 008 madola aku US ku 25/04/2023. Msika wamalonda wa The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation inakwana 175 880 159 232 madola aku US ku 24/04/2023.

Ndalama zamakono za The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation lero ndi 163 563 814 912 R$. Msika wamsika wa The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation wasintha -1.323% poyerekeza ndi dzulo. Mndandanda wamalonda wa magawo BONY34.SA, The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation pa tsiku lomalizira la malonda unali 788 R$. Mndandanda wamalonda wa magawo The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation wasintha kufika pa -38.245% poyerekeza ndi tsiku lapitalo la malonda.

Mtengo wa magawo The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation

Finance The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation