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Mtengo wa magawo VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF

Gawo la VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF lero, mtengo wa EMAG pa intaneti tsopano, agawana mitengo ya VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF.
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EMAG = 20.38 Dollar US
+0.085 USD (+0.42%)
kusintha kwa mtengo wamtengo kuchokera dzulo

Mtengo wapakatikati. Zikuwonetsa mtengo wotsiriza wa VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF mkati Dollar US. Ndasinthanso kuchuluka kwamawuwo. 1 stock ya VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF tsopano 20.38 stock of Dollar US. Lero VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF ikukwera ku Dollar US. VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF mtengo lero 20.38 stock of Dollar US.


VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF malonda a kampaniyo Dollar US

Mwezi wapitawu, VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF singasinthidwe kukhala 0 Dollar US yaku Ukraine. Miyezi isanu ndi umodzi yapitayo, VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF itha kugulitsidwa kwa 0 Dollar US. Zaka zitatu zapitazo, VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF ikhoza kugulidwa kwa 21.16 Dollar US yaku Ukraine. Apa chikuwonetsedwa tchati cha mtengo wamtundu wa nthawi zosiyanasiyana. Kusintha kwamitengo ya VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF mu Dollar US pa sabata ndi 1.07%. 0% - kusintha pamitengo ya VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF mkati Dollar US pamwezi.

Sabata Mwezi miyezi 3 Chaka Zaka 3

Zotsatira zamagulu VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF Dollar US

EMAG Kuti Dollar US (USD)
1 EMAG 20.38 Dollar US
5 EMAG 101.88 Dollar US
10 EMAG 203.75 Dollar US
25 EMAG 509.38 Dollar US
50 EMAG 1 018.75 Dollar US
100 EMAG 2 037.50 Dollar US
250 EMAG 5 093.75 Dollar US
500 EMAG 10 187.50 Dollar US

Mutha kugulitsa 203.75 Dollar US la 10 stock of VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF. Ngati mungathe 509.38 Dollar US, ndiye ndi Virgin Islands British mutha kugula 25 stock of VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF. Mutha kugulitsa 1 018.75 Dollar US la 50 stock of VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF. Lero, 2 037.50 Dollar US ingagulidwe kwa 100 stock of VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF. Lero, 250 stock of VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF itha kugulitsidwa kwa 5 093.75 Dollar US. Ngati mungathe 10 187.50 Dollar US, ndiye ndi Virgin Islands British mutha kugula 500 stock of VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF.

EMAG mbiri ya mtengo wamtengo wapatali

Date Mlingo Kusintha
15/10/2021 20.38 USD 0.085 ↑
14/10/2021 20.29 USD -0.025 ↓
13/10/2021 20.32 USD 0.045 ↑
12/10/2021 20.27 USD 0.11 ↑
11/10/2021 20.16 USD -

Lero ku 15 October 2021, 1 stock of VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF mtengo 20.38 Dollar US. 14 October 2021, 1 stock of VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF mtengo 20.29 Dollar US. 13 October 2021, 1 stock of VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF mtengo 20.32 Dollar US. 12 October 2021, 1 stock of VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF = 20.27 Dollar US. Gawo locheperako la VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF mu Dollar US pamwezi watha anali pa 11/10/2021.

VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF

Gawo limodzi la VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF lero liri pa 20.38 $. Mtengo wa magawo EMAG wasintha mpaka +0.42% kapena +0.085 USD kuchokera tsiku lomaliza la malonda. Mukhoza kugula magawo 100 a VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF kwa 2 037.50 Dollar US kapena kugulitsa magawo 50 a EMAG kwa 1 018.75 Dollar US.

Mtengo wa magawo VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF

Finance VanEck Vectors EM Aggregate Bond ETF

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